BBC 50th Anniversary Concert

Yep, the BBC 50th Anniversary Concert has started probably last night when I was sleeping. Lol! There are several members who went to the concert like Yuki, Fan de Lok, John, Yorkie, Michael and Momo from Japan, who also went to the Opera show with Yuki.
There are 25 boys performing that night. For JB fans, great news. Jonathan was there :). It seems that Liam was there too. Yay!! Did he cut his hair again? Hopefully the older boys can make it for the Philippines tour this October.
Below are some photos from Fan de Lok and Yuki. Thank you, guys, for sharing with us. Please credit their names if you want to borrow them.

*Update: Yuki has just posted her review from the concert last night. Click here to read her reviews. Arigato for sharing, Yuki :)! Below are some more pictures from her. Remember to credit her name if you want to borrow them. Sorry it's just Libera pics only. But you can go to her blog to see more photos too.
Liam did cut his hair!! It's almost the same hairstyle during the Canada concert but nicer this time. And my, is he turning more handsome or what? :D

Yesterday Jimmy Riddle posted a video of Libera and Fuchsia taking their seat during the concert on Twitter. Thanks a lot for the clear video, Jimmy :).



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