Chinese Zodiacs

We already know who are born in the year of the rabbit. See here for the wallpaper. Just for the sake of fun and to celebrate this CNY, let's find out which member is born in what year of the chinese zodiacs. The chinese zodiac is depends on what year you're born. So it's different from horoscopes. I'm no fortune teller or feng shui princess, okay. So I won't tell what each of the zodiacs mean. In case I might hurt them ;).  Until then, Happy CNY!!!
The one I put the star (*) is the year of the rabbit, in case you forget.

[Year of the Rat]
- Ben Philipp (1996)
- Tiarnan Branson (1996)
- Alex Leggett (1996)
- Zack Lockett (1996)
- Thomas Cole (1996)
- Liam O Kane (1984)

[Year of the Ox]
- James Threadgill (1997)
- Jakob de Menezes Wood (1997)
- Adam Harris (1985)

[Year of the Tiger]
- Sammy Moriarty (1998)
- Stefan Leadbeater (1998)
- Ralph Skan (1998)
- Alfie Smart (1998)
- Kavana Crossley (1998)
- Carlos Rodriguez (1998)
- Luke Collins (1998)
- Alex Baron (1986)

[Year of the Rabbit]*
- Flynn Marks (1999)
- Henry Barrington (1999)
- Matthew Rangel-Alvares (1999)
- James Mordaunt (1999)
- Ben Crawley (1987)
- Steven Geraghty (1987)
- Chris Turner (1987)

[Year of the Dragon]
- Freddie Ingles (2000)
- Matthew Jansen (2000)
- Sam Coates (1988)

[Year of the Snake]
- Cassius O Connell-White (2001)
- Anthony Chadney (1989)
- Alasdair Gordon (1989)

[Year of the Horse]
- Raoul Neumann (1990)

[Year of the Goat]
- Jake Shortall (1991)
- Joe Platt (1991)
- Joe Sanders-Wilde (1991)

[Year of the Monkey]
- Conor O' Donnell (1992)
- Callum Payne (1992)
- Daren Geraghty (1980)

[Year of the Rooster]
- Michael Horncastle (1993)
- James Vereycken (1993)

{And me!! :D}

[Year of the Dog]
- Tom Cully (1994)
- Sam Leggett (1994)
- Josh Madine (1994)

[Year of the Pig]
- Jonathan Barrington (1995)
- Liam Connery (1995)
- Daniel Fontannaz (1995)
- Michael Vereycken (1995)
- Ed Day (1995)
- Joe Snelling (1995)

If any boys I missed out, please let me know.


Rebecca said...

Thanks for this! Very interesting!
I guess I was born in the year of the Ox (1997) then, awesome!

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