More Photoshoots

Here are more photoshoots from their Peace album. Aren't they nice? It's good to see their smiling faces again. Well, Libera never fails to make us fans smile. Anyway, enjoy.

Aww! Look at Mini James. His smile is so adorable.

Josh is sitting like a cool person on the couch (whatever that they're sitting on). And is that a watch he's wearing?

Happy angels!

Serious faces.

Oh yes! Remember my previous post? "I wish it could be more bigger a bit". Well, my wish has come true!! Try clicking on the pic and see.

By the way, thanks, Natalie, for sending me these pics.^^


thelma l. guzman said...

hello charmaine! thanks for sharing with me these pictures. they're all nice! well, not that i have already lost my interest in libera (of course their music will always be in my heart) but i have already detached myself in joining libera sites (like 360 & st. phillip's circle) because of some conflicts in opinions. i can support libera by simply buying their CDs & maybe give my personal comments directly to their site.

i appreciate your blogs & enjoy reading them. continue to support libera whichever way you can. we can just wish that they can visit our respective countries again so we can meet them personally (well, maybe not all of them now). thanks so much again & to your friend who sent you these pictures..

Charmaine said...

you're quite welcome. you too can help us continue to support libera

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