Why Libera360 Has Closed Down?

Great news. The admin of Libera360 site has explained why it has closed down. Here's his message:-

"The answer is simple: We are a nonprofit site. When we started, the site was hosted on a regular shared hosting where we pay just $4.00 per month. But as the site grew the demand for hosting space and bandwidth increased and therefore a regular shared hosting is no longer possible. This explains why we were suspended from at least 3 shared hosting providers – for going over the bandwidth limit. The only solution available for Libera360 is to move to a Dedicated Host. But this kind of host is not cheap, they go for $180.00 per month, but through the generosity of some community members this is slowly becoming a possibility for our site. Currently we are in the process of doing just this, and hopefully we can sustain this for a very long time."

Well, I hope the site will go back to normal again. I can't wait to see everyone again.


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